Achieving the Paperless Office
Why go paperless?
• Reduce Clutter
• Save on Storage Costs
• Find Documents Quickly
• Backups!
• Access documents from anywhere
Secret Weapon? OCR! (Optical Character Recognition) Does exactly what the name suggests. Scans documents and indexes every word so documents can be located quickly and easily
Get Started!
1. Reduce Incoming Paper
a. Unsubscribe from mailing lists and trade publications. Get online versions of magazines and newspapers
b. If you don’t read it, cancel it!
c. Check the little box that allows vendors to send you “electronic statements”
2. Reduce Outgoing Paper
a. Don’t print it if you don’t absolutely have to
b. Utilize email, “Drop Box” (www.dropbox.com), and internet faxing (www.metrofax.com)
3. Reorganize the paper you already have
Tools You will Need . . .
• Unwavering Patience and Stony Determination
• A Scanner – Fujitsu Scansnap or Xerox Documaster (http://scanners.fcpa.fujitsu.com/scansnap11/index.html)
• OCR Software – Adobe Acrobat or ReadIris Pro
The Result:
1. Spend less time organizing and less $$ on paper
2. Save some trees
3. Have your files always with you
4. Instantly Search all your Documents
5. Less Clutter = More